Our Your Employees Truly Engaged? : workipedia.co

Employee engagement is a term that is well known in HR circles and within industries of every hue and businesses of every size. What it refers to is the process by which employees are oriented towards the vision and mission of the organization. Employee engagement is about inspiring employees to contribute to the growth and success of the organization while meeting their own goals of self-actualization (whether conscious or not).

In order to ensure optimal employee engagement, it is vital to first understand at which level of engagement each employee is on currently, and then implement the strategies that will help them to engage the level that is most beneficial to the organization.

An employee that is not fully engaged is one that is not fully committed to the organization’s growth. Such an employee wastes their time and squanders their productivity, which directly impacts the people they work with as well as the organization they work for. That is why it is important to ensure employee engagement on a constant basis.

Employees that are engaged have a domino effect, just as employees that are not fully engaged. Fully engaged employees inspire those around them also to reach for their highest potential, thereby contributing to the organization’s success too. They motivate themselves and others. They have clear goals professionally and personally. Even one such employee can have a positive impact on hundreds, so imagine what hundreds of positively engaged employees can accomplish?

An engaged employee works towards the success of the organization, sometimes going beyond the call of duty to do so. This does not come from any external motivation, but an intrinsic desire to do good for the organization. There is a difference between complying with the organizational duties and being committed to the organization’s success. An engaged employee is committed to his organization’s success.

Statistics show that there is a net profit of more than 5% enjoyed by employees that are engaged. It also shows that companies that have engaged employees show shareholder returns of more than five times over a period of five years. This is because an engaged employee will provide greater service, which leads to greater client or customer satisfaction, which leads to more sales, more referrals, more profits, and more returns or stock prices going higher with the higher profits.

How do you ensure employee engagement on a day-to-day basis?

  • Providing opportunities to grow within the organization, goals that stretch their talent, challenges them and inspires them to reach out for more.
  • Leaders who have clear communication and genuine connection to the employees.
  • Positive feedback that gives instant recognition for a job well done is a reward in itself.
  • Control over their work flow and timings, so that they are better able to balance the demands of work with needs of home.
  • Good relationships and collaboration with colleagues give a feeling of belonging and helps to foster the motivation to work towards a larger goal.

These factors help to increase employee engagement in ways that are meaningful to them and successful for the organization as well.